360Writing - Three Options

Option 1. Full Frameworks - Updated for 2024-25

The full frameworks provide nine weeks of lessons and assessment materials per genre. That means 27 weeks of materials across the three genres. Plus, for the final nine weeks, we provide supplements for spiraling instruction and preparing students for on-demand writing. All frameworks feature updated content for 2024-25, including:  

  • an increased number of multimodal writing activities

  • updated paired-text extended writing exercises in grades 3 - American Literature

  • additional supports, including brief videos illustrating lessons and access to quarterly support webinars, as well as office hours

  • a pair of extended writing assessments for evaluating gains during each 9-week period

The full frameworks are ideal for schools and districts looking for a flexible, standards-based framework that provides vertical alignment and consistency in writing instruction.

KRA’s team provides related professional learning to ensure successful implementation of the full frameworks. 

Reach out here for a live demo or to discuss further.

Option 2. Short Courses - Updated for 2024-25

The short courses are available in grades 3 - American Literature and provide four weeks of instructional materials that scaffold students toward success on a paired-text extended writing activity.

  • For the first two weeks, the exercises require a brief response (i.e., one paragraph), and feature texts in a variety of modes (e.g., video clips, data tables, maps, reading passages, etc.).

  • Then, in weeks 3-4, there is an exercise that requires an extended response, involving a pair of reading passages on the same topic as the exercises in weeks 1-2. By working through the exercise in weeks 3-4, students build an essay, one piece at a time.

By following the short course, students get practice with the type of text-dependent writing required by current standards and assessments, as well as advanced practice with multimodal writing required by the next generation of standards and assessments (which take effect in 2025-26).

Have questions? Interested in a demo? Reach out here.

Option 3. 360Writing Across the Curriculum

There are natural openings in mathematics, science, social studies, and connections courses for students to write. That’s because the standards in these courses often require higher-order thinking. Whenever they do, brief writing activities can be an excellent method to teach and assess these standards.

360Writing Across the Curriculum is a professional learning series designed to help non-ELA teachers use writing for this purpose. The series includes three components:

  1. Identifying standards for each unit that require higher-order thinking and creating a series of brief writing activities aligned to at least one of these standards.

  2. Applying a simple process for guiding students through one of these activities, thereby teaching content through writing.

  3. Scoring responses to the activities students complete independently; these serve as assessments, and the common scoring helps ensure accurate, reliable data.

In short, 360Writing Across the Curriculum provides a process for engaging students in purposeful writing in the content areas.

Reach out here to learn more!

Modeling / Co-teaching

KRA’s team is also available to model or co-teach any of the lessons from the 360Writing framework. This option is ideal for educators who would like more personalized support in implementing the framework’s lessons.

These sessions may be video-recorded and used within the school or district as resources. The videos are models of how the lessons unfold in your local classrooms!

To discuss further, please click here.