Kevin Raczynski, Ph.D.
Kevin has taught writing and has been involved in many aspects of writing assessment for over 20 years, not only in K-12 classrooms, but at the state level and university level as well.
He holds a doctorate in Educational Psychology from the University of Georgia.
His professional experiences include:
Taught first-year English at the University of Georgia from 2003-2005.
Helped manage large-scale writing assessments in Georgia from 2005-2015 while at the University of Georgia.
Was a research scientist at the University of Georgia from 2015-2021.
Has collaborated, since 2006, with Georgia educators and students in grades Pre-K through 12 on writing instruction and writing assessment.
Started Kevin Raczynski & Associates in 2021 with the mission of helping Georgia educators and students meet the rigorous writing expectations detailed in the state’s standards.
The 360Writing framework is the culmination of these experiences and is rooted in applied research that he and others have done on improving students’ writing achievement. Kevin’s research has been published in respected peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of Educational Measurement, Assessing Writing, and Applied Measurement in Education. His goal as a writing instructor is to meet students where they are and help them experience the immense satisfaction that comes from writing well.
The Team
Kevin’s associates contribute to everything the organization does. Fellow educators and researchers continue to help develop and shape the 360Writing frameworks. The team’s professional scorers all have over fifteen years of professional scoring experience using Georgia’s writing rubrics and have participated in, and continue to participate in, training to ensure scoring accuracy and reliability. The team’s professional learning facilitators, which include current and former Georgia educators and university professors, all have specific expertise in the meeting’s objectives, and they loop in at the beginning of every collaboration to ensure tight communication and follow-through. Our team’s ultimate goal is to provide an experience for your team that results in increased capacity, higher student achievement, and sustained support.